Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lot Clearing

I got home on Sunday night, to find the guys had cleared my lot and then gone moose hunting. They should be back the end of this week to put the driveway in. Sunday was a bit overcast, so these aren't the best photos.
This first one is mom standing in front of the biggest burn pile. This is basically where the house will be built next spring. There are 2 more smaller burn piles. Lots of garbage alder to get rid of, and a couple of rotten cottonwood trees. Also one nice blue spruce that was just in the wrong place.

Here is Jemmy headed up the 'path' from Pattys back yard to my building site. It's rather big because Greg had to get the excavator down the hill to move some dead trees and to dig out the small spring (to the left of Jemmy but not in this photo). Eventually the spring will empty into the small pond in Pattys backyard.

And here is a view out across the bay with a few of the cottonwoods that we did save.

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